Proposal: New Site UX V2

I personally like the graphics explaining how the vaults work.

Maybe we can put a link to the graphics if we’re concerned that future graphics will be in conflict with the UI. I don’t think a feeltheyearn link in its current form will suffice because feeltheyearn doesn’t explain how vaults work as simple as these graphics.


Sorry chime in so late here as I had to make a new account. I’ve been around since day one and love the simplicity of the current site, however it does need to update and you def have all the skills.

This looks amazing visually but honestly I seriously don’t even know what’s going on half the time. I think we should consider our selves as a one stop shop and not have be explaining the complicated process "(some may think it’s intuitive but to most average joes its not) behind how the magic is working behind the scenes. Especially if the token fluctuates like crv in price and the returns are altered (for instance I don’t even know if this true lol)

There will be even more unnecessary questions now than answers. A lot of people use our services cause its simplistic. Perhaps we could provide a strategy for the drop down or maybe just dedicated a full page to the strategy that people can observe of they are more savy and want to dig deeper.

I have no idea how google algyothrms work and how they keep changing behind the scenes, same with Amazon. I just don’t have time to catch up and who wants to deal with that anyways when you can just type in the word you want to search just as people can go to our site and just hit deposit.

I think that’s one of main value props for the average user is that they love our returns and were are working magic behind the scenes that they don’t really need to learn.

We should consider ourselves as a one-step shop. I don’t think we need to be explaining to everyone up front it might scare people away.


Lmao sorry I just realized is the how it works, still maybe we should put this as a doc that’s not too visible on site that a user needs to click under info or strategy or whatever we should call it.

Like I get how it works essence, but that chart of the tethering between pools and tokens gives me a headache and just turns me away from interacting with it.


Or we could break it into two different pages as gemini does. You can just buy or sell and you’re like cool I’m all set I don’t have time and im a noob.

Or you can click the active trader aspect of their site. Maybe we should provide both of those, I just think it will scare people away.


This is not a bad idea, an average user and advanced user as in coinbase and pro.


When can we vote?I can not wait any more

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You nailed it here. print and publish this thing. It’s is simple and provides as much detail as required. Push this thing out for vote.


I concur it is ready.

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+1 That this most recent version looks great.

@uhmpeps I love everything. I literally cannot decide which one I like most.

+1 when is an eta for voting / when can we see a live site demo?


nice UX V2, I like Dark mode!

How would this look on mobile? I believe that if we’re going to do a full re-design, it should be optimized and look well on mobile.


Thanks for all the work on this - love the direction! Some feedback, maybe for a future version: It still looks quite busy, and a lot of the text / flowcharts could potentially go into some sort of popup so they’re hidden from main view until there’s a scrollover or a click. That way we can get the info on the page, but the UI remains super-clean.

Just a thought.

Top notch insights here, bravo. tomorrow will fix minor xdevice issues, write readme for handover to yearn dev team, etc.

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I thought you would be in hiding by now

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Absolutely not. We both made mistakes. I was scapegoated for a crash caused by a tweet, not by me.


Love this site when can we get it live?

Love this awesome work when can we get this live