Proposal: Site UX

@uhmpeps I want to applaud your efforts on this, it has been inspiring to see your dogged and ambitious work on discord. Your initiative is glorious!

That being said, I am not a fan of this design. I gave some early feedback and am sorry I wasn’t able to weigh in more throughout the process. I like some of the structural developments you’ve implemented, and can comment more in time, though the aesthetics need a lot of work.

I am not going to dox myself or brag about my credentials now (maybe later!) but I have a lot of experience in this area. This is my professional opinion.

That being said (using that twice!) I am actually agnostic about launching this now and not going to vote. While it’s not a great site, it’s not horrible. And in a way it does reflect the ‘test in prod’ spirit of this endeavor. And I believe we as a community will rally and improve it incrementally.

I am also fine with waiting. Revising the site is not my biggest priority for yearn – getting an ops team empowered to spend money so we can grow is.

Impressive balls on this, and also I know we can do better. Much love.


I fully support a competition for design and it’s one that the new Treasury or yEarn DAO can support.

Examples we can take a look at is Reddit and their Scaling Solution bakeoff

This gave equal and fair opportunity for everyone to make their claim and submit their work and prove it.


I think the issue here is the title of the proposal should’ve been “Proposal: New Site UX”.
Then allow at least 3+ days for discussion, ideas, new designs to emerge.
The “Live Now” seems a bit rushed.


Insightful point, thanks!

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I’m not a big fan of this new design.

Very generic and not memorable enough.

Come on community, we can do better!

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Hello everyone

Been on yEarn before the craze, been in YFI since day 1, but this is my first comment. I am a UX designer by day(-job), so:

One of the advantages of the current page design is its simplicity. That was always a brand goal: bringing simple and effective product to people who did not need to have DeFI IQ 1000. This design completely reverses this and will therefore be misaligned from what the product is supposed to be doing, ending up being ineffective at least, harmful at most; to what yEarns wants to be.

I would suggest not adopting this design right now and based a new version on:

  • landing page with an explanation
  • better navigation and product discovery
  • short pages with very few choices and few relevant stats, but always with an explanation text
  • dedicated stats page

I hope this helps
(I respect all the effort that went to this. While I cannot do the actual design, I am happy to participate more closely with setting up the design goals and giving feedback on iterations with the designer team.)


:100: this, there’s no immediate rush to replace the current frontend IMO. if we’re going to do this we should take the time to do it properly and consider all available options. AFAIK there are several groups working on redesigns.


I think it’s a good effort and applaud your enthusiasm and speed, @uhmpeps. But I agree that there is no rush to push this out there. Andre’s original site design has much to be improved on, but it’s still currently effective, with now over $1B invested through it.

I agree with just going through one rebrand rather than pushing this out and realizing the other options would have been better.

Thank you all for your feedback, it has been heard and a new thread has been started at

I think some important thoughts to consider, as you move forward in this community:

While Andre did originally do everything himself, and does talk about testing in prod– that was more true when he was building yearn just for himself. Now, with YFI and the DAO, Andre specifically created these things to place the decisions in the hands of the community, and not have one person calling the shots anymore.

I know he also told you to put the new site forward to the community. I would posit that he told you to do so not necessarily because he thought your design was ready to go live, but because putting it out to the community as a proposal would give you invaluable feedback to make it the best product possible. So I think it will be much better for your sanity if instead of feeling like we are attacking your baby in this design (that you put a lot of effort into), consider this a simple part of working as a member of a decentralized community.

Anyway, I love the enthusiasm and the work ethic, and I’m excited for what we can do to make this a better place.


That’s the goal @dudesahn and that’s why we are moving over to the new thread, learning all the time! :slight_smile:


Closed since inactive. Feel free to reopen if this topic is still relevant.