Seems like a lot of chat on discord, lots of ppl are having problems
same issue here. It’s been more than 3 days already and can’t unstake and exit tokens. Is there a prior step or requirement to do so?
You just need to “Unstake”. If you “Unstake and Exit”, the contract is trying to take out the yCRV rewards as well, but the breaker in the contract has not been set so you will see some extreme gas fees.
The “Unstake” button connects the “withdraw” method of the contract which should execute with low gas fees (about 100kGas, which at 40Gwei is about 0.004 ETH in txFees).
“withdraw” will give you back your YFI, but leave the rewards in the contract.
This is interesting because it still requires a hefty fee if I were to unstake, almost a full ETH in gas, any idea why this is?
@Spooky If you voted, your YFI will be locked in the governance contract for 17280 blocks from the block you voted on (approximately three days, assuming ethereum block rate of 1 block every 15s).
If you try to unstake when the tokens are locked in the contract you will see a very high fee to unstake.
Thank you that makes more sense now!
What if you unstake and you get rewards but lose what you staked what’s causing this? It actually returned my tokens briefly then withdrew them to another account that swapped for tether. Did I unstake to soon I’m not sure what I did wrong?
This sounds like you somehow approved a malicious contract, and thus they were able to remove your funds from your wallet . For more support, I would recommend heading to our discord ( and asking there, although there’s likely nothing that can be done at this point.