Love Letters for Andre


You are arguably the best “composer” (get it, composability) in the entire ecosystem.

You potentially single handedly helped spur the next hype cycle for Decentralized Finance, which has inspired thousands of builders to create a better future.

I feel incredibly lucky to be a shareholder and community member with you at the helm.

Cheers :heart: :heart: :heart:


Andre, I’m grateful for all of your contributions to Yearn and DeFi, and look forward to many more.

You’ve single-handedly pushed DeFi into new frontiers, and I have a feeling your work and your contributions are not done yet.

Whether you ever come back to Twitter or not, know that there are many who support you and your vision, and will be here alongside to help you and Yearn succeed as we can.




I have only been into crypto for a short time, but YFI has been a major highlight of my experience. Thank you for all you have done for this space. Of course we all want you back, you are a rock star. More than that, I want it to be fun for you again. The whole space vibes when you are feeling it. I respect what you have created. I have told many on your team that they are inspirations to me. You are an inspiration to many. Because of you and the people on the yearn team, I have started a solidity boot camp - I want to learn to build!

All that I ask of you is to please take care of yourself. Do what you need to do. I hope you come back, I would love that… but only when you are ready. Sincerely, thank you.



Miss you, Andre! I heard you on the Bankless podcast talking about the ability to codify strategies and putting together pieces of things that others build to make something incredible. I hope to hear from you again soon.



Thanks for answering my questions about strategy design and YFI a few weeks ago.

I was a normie full-stack dev before I talked to you. You encouraged me to get involved in crypto dev and bring my ideas to life. I’m not building those ideas just yet, but now I’ve contributed to a few different crypto projects. I wouldn’t have taken that first step if it wasn’t for you and I thank you for that. I’m still learning but hopefully one day I can make something you like as much I like what you’ve made.


Andre - I haven’t been this excited about the crypto space since I first learned about bitcoin in 2013… something I owe almost entirely to you. Listening to your interviews made me care about what defi can bring to the world. You are a true leader - in thought, action, and - most importantly - in character, something this space desperately needs. Thank you for inspiring me. Thank you for everything you have contributed - often selflessly, even thanklessly. I hope you read these letters and realize what an impact you’ve made. I hope you brush off the haters and remember who you are and what you mean to this community. You are a great man, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.


Dear Andre,

Sunny memories of laying in the grass
My head was spinning and my heart was beating fast
I opened up Medium to see what had passed
“Earning YFI” on the screen and Merlot in my glass
I must admit at first I focused on that yield
But then we chilled
and the big picture dawned
Life is a storyboard captured in a screenshot
Memories are jewels and the screen is cold or hot
Like love or photons or whispers out of earshot
Vivid flashbacks bring tears or laughter
Come back Andre - forever hereafter


Hello. This is my first post, I didn’t have an account here (although I read and browser here a lot).

I was one of the people that lost money in the EMN fiasco. I sincerely cannot understand how can anyone blame the developer. I don’t blame him. I don’t blame you, Andre, because it’s not your fault. You are building things, working hard, trying to make progress and invent protocols that enhance the ecosystem as a whole. It’s not twitter’s fault either (a.k.a. blue fucking kirby): it’s each one’s fault. If I am to blame anyone other than myself, it would be as imbecile and narrow minded as people blaming the government for being poor. Users that went ahead and frenzy bought an unaudited contract token upon reading a tweet are the ones to blame. It’s true, the @eminencefi twitter was created. It’s true, you retweeted it from your personal account, and it’s true, you started building hype days earlier: it’s still not your fault. People should fucking know that they are risking their capital on this space, it’s a very risky space. If they don’t understand it, fuck them. This isn’t on you. It was bad luck, had anyone gotten rich for purchasing a token at 0.007 and selling it a $1 they wouldn’t be fucking saying thank you either.

Now with that out of the way: I can relate and understand how public backslash can get to you, and how -presumably in your anger- you decide to “not post anything”, “fuck the community”, “I even build it for free and this is what I get” do make sure that this is really what you want and how you feel. If that’s how you feel, and you identified that you’ll be happier just stepping aside, I am in no way asking or recommending that you don’t. You need to be happy, as we do all. Time is of the essence, we don’t have much. What I’m saying is make sure you decisions are based on what you truly want, not on what some fucking imbeciles at twitter are saying, because that doesn’t represent the whole. That’s a sample. And a sample motivated and angered because of their incompetences, you can’t ask them for reason.

Proceed as you might find yourself happy. If you want to not tweet ever again, so be it. If you don’t want to be involved in this protocol ever again, so be it. If you want to take 4 fucking years and start working on it again if you decide you want to be part again, so be it. Don’t let this fuckers get to you, you do as you please and what you want. And I’m saying this as someone that lost some money on EMN. Congrats on your already done job. It’s truly creating value and setting the foundations to what (hopefully) will become the financial revolution on the next +30 years.

Cheers Andre!


I never had the pleasure of talking with Andre. But I certainly am interacting with his creation. I appreciate what he did for us all and in such a selfless way. Down with the degens. Up with the Yearners


Hi Andre,

I am an emn degen who lost money apeing into a smart contract I only thought viable because everyone said you were involved.
And despite this, I in no way think less of you. I admire your determination and will and tireless contribution to this space through hands on experimentation.
I most of all appreciate your willingness to articulate your opposition to the status quo and group-think in the many interviews you have given.
We are all richer for having you in our world.
All the best.


Hey Andre,

You are a doer don’t let negativity override your creativity and get things done skills. I also know you don’t give fukc about those hateful degens and you are building something.
If not than start building as defi community need Andre cronje in it’s finest as for defi to get established among tradfi we need best of you. So common do reply to your admirers and give a fukcing reply to haters as usual like our old Andre

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Hi Andre,

I have three points to make. 1. You are the one of the GOATs in crypto and you are making a huge dent in the world. Perhaps your fame shot up faster than you could handle, but as long as you turn off the haters and naysayers, the yearn community will always have your back. It’s time for you to go Lebron/MJ-level GOAT and shut the haters up. This is why I think you’re a wise man for getting off Twitter. 2. Have fun with yearn and never change. You got to where you are because of who you are. Don’t let anon trolls who haven’t done anything in their lives tell you or make you feel otherwise. 3. We <3 you.


Hey Andre!

I AM one of those EMN degens. I saw your Eminence tweet that morning and thought to myself…I don’t know what it is but I want to be involved. One of the first comments on it was “where do I puke my money”. That sentiment might be off putting but the excitement and willingness to rush in is a testament to how much people believe in you and your ability to create cool things. We have the opportunity to experiment and create something new. It’s all just terribly exciting. The loss stings but that’s the price you pay for participating in the bleeding edge of finance, gaming, the merger of the two etc. Whatever DeFi is now…there is a very real and new global permissionless equity, debt, derivatives market being born. You are one of the fathers. Cheers


Andre, you’re my Defi MVP. I’ve learned so much more from you than I ever could’ve just trying to research on my own. Your an inspiration to all of us, stay strong!


Andre, your name will go down in crypto history as one of the greats who made real contributions to the growth of the DeFi industry. I hope after taking time away you come back with that same fiery passion that has inspired dozens of people to get involved. If you decide to never return, or return under a pen name - we support your decision and want what’s best for you! Congratulations for making it this far, I’m rooting for your continued success <3


It is obvious that he is one of the most creative thinker and fast executor in the space. But I like him most because of his selflessness.


The lesson is as old as the first investment. We praise those that enrich us, and tarnish the very people when we lose. Kudos of Andre for his technical brilliance and humble actions.


I like your memes almost as much as your code. Your humble nature and wonderful intellect are inspiring. You are an excellent human being, Andre. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you again soon.



I want you to know that I greatly appreciate you for your fantastic work and contributions to the community. I can think of no better steward of economic opportunity within crypto today.

Yearn has helped me reach economic security in a way that I didn’t think possible, and I think fondly of your work as I slather my bottom in the finest of scented oils daily. Thank you!


Hey Andre, I remember your first letter about how building in crypto sucks and didn’t realize until a lot later that you were the same person who built YFI. I was late to YFI (but here now!) and missed EMN ( wouldn’t have figured it out anyway) but I have a lot of respect for what you’ve built, and got to learn more about your thought process through your multiple interviews. I think you’re one of the best out there and we definitely could use more like you.

Take your time to rest up and reset. You deserved it. Just don’t let detractors bring you down. They’re just not worth it. You have a lot of supportn as you can see, so focus on the love :slight_smile: