Proposal: Interest Reinvestment Program for LP Vault & YFI Vault

WARNING : I cannot code and this is just an idea, let me know what you think and if its possible


Adding an interest reinvestment program (interest coming from your deposit in the LP Vault).


I think adding an interest reinvestment program (interest coming from your deposit in the LP Vault) would be wonderful and greatly help out. Basically, add a tab to check off if you would like to participate in the program. It would take your interest (can be a portion, ex : 25%) market buy YFI and then stake that YFI back into the YFI Vault.


Dollar Cost Averaging your YFI position and also staking more coins, there for lowering the circulating supply while earning more YFI.

  • FOR
0 voters

YFI Vault is buying more YFI
YCRV Vault is buying more YCRV
Use this uniswap to buy YFI vault with your YCRV vault token :

Thanks for the suggestion and the info.

The liquidity is too low. Price slippage is huge.

Feel free to add liquidity to help the community :slight_smile:

I personally prefer this to staking my YFI in Cream. I’d like the option any way.

If cream has our YFI. Aren’t they able to borrow our YFI to use and sway governance?

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