Nominate yourself for the foundation model

I’m personally voting for people with deep technical expertise. Enthusiasm counts, but “I sign whatever is up for signing” would be a bad attitude for a multisig signer. I’d love to see people who:

  • Keep a bird’s eye view of how the system functions in their head
  • Can read smart and understand smart contracts, including caveats
  • Can decode smart contract calldata by hand
  • Have shown deep involvement, forum/discord/telegram activity and other contributions should count

Update: I’ve collected some stats from the working group (messages and days active):


:100: re: involvement/activity being a factor!

having technical people is nice but expecting people to decode smart contract calldata by hand might be a bit much IMO :sweat_smile: i don’t think it’s fair to exclude candidates because they aren’t amazing programmers.


Look neat sir, wonderful job.


Quick update on this thread:

Below is a list of current multisig members and their activity.

0x0Cec743b8CE4Ef8802cAc0e5df18a180ed8402A7 15 = Milkyklim
0x74630370197b4c4795bFEeF6645ee14F8cf8997D 15 =
0x7A1057E6e9093DA9C1D4C1D049609B6889fC4c67 14 = Banteg
0x99BC02c239025E431D5741cC1DbA8CE77fc51CE3 13 = Daryllautk
0x48f2bd7513da5Bb9F7BfD54Ea37c41650Fd5f3a3 13 = Devops199fan
0xa83838221278f22ee5bAe3E523f34D42b066D67D 6 = Damir Bandalo
0xb0325DbE7fA891436E83A094f9F12848c78e449b 5 = Calvin Liu
0x59171b87817C5F07157066Bd5284707A711229B3 4 = Coopahtroopa
0xFe45baf0F18c207152A807c1b05926583CFE2e4b 1 =

Damir, Calvin, & Cooper have offered up their spot. Curve should be replaced for inactivity. The other current Multisig members should stay put.

This leaves four open spots if we keep the MS at 6/9, and ten open spots if MS is increased to 10/15.

Here is the Gist of self-nominations from the first multisig fomation:

Here’s my personal list of noms that I’d like to see fill the space. I don’t know these people personally, but can speak on my interactions over the past several weeks and observations over the past several years.

  • Sam []
    Has volunteered time from early iearn days in securing the contracts. Brilliant mind at the forefront of the space. Only concern would be if they’re interested (has not self-nominated afaik) and if there is too much of a conflict of interest.
  • Framework Ventures [,]
    Have contributed on various fronts, from emission & fee modeling to designing and driving proposals forward. Bright, well connected, and acting in good faith.
  • Gauntlet []
    Experts in the space who would be invaluable to have involved in any capacity on a longer time frame.
  • Mariano Conti []
    Wonderful person who offers dev expertise, social capital, and positivity.
  • Vasily Shapovalov []
    Has been very active in contributing to and shaping ideas. Very level headed and wise.
  • Julien Bouteloup []
    Another mind on the forefront of the industry who can contribute a lot to battle testing and improving the protocol.
  • Minh Doan
    An industry powerhouse that self-nominated. Am a fan of their work. Again, connectivity, social capital, dev specialty.

best additions are right here imo

Works for me, I’d recommend 6/9 because 10/15 is too many cooks in the kitchen.


But Klim is already on the multisig (Milkyklim, 0x0Cec743b8CE4Ef8802cAc0e5df18a180ed8402A7).

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Very supportive of Sam, Framework, and Guantlet as replacements

Fixed. Need more sleep :slight_smile:


Hey Sub, for those of us that don’t know these people, like me, can you tell me why you’d like to see these people in particular?

Ive read their twitter bio so I sorta get who they are but I don’t follow them. Cheers


Substreight - Yes please, let’s make sure MS holders are active participants. This is important so that their actions are aligned with that of the will of the community.

I would like to see us also implement a yearly process where these can be nominated for, if the MS holder is happy to retain and the community believes they have put in the right values and standards then they can continue.

We should put together and framework as a community of the types of values, and specific non negotiable actions items in place so that there is an accountability piece for these MS holders to agree to that is set by us.

Remember as a council they represent us publicly and should align to the communities standards.


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Added basic reasoning to my post. Hope that helps!

The question is how do we identify and elect who should actually fill the open spaces? A forum signaling poll is probably not sufficient as can be gamed.


Agree - no we should put in place the standards that we want to see from these people, action items such as signing within time frames for voted on proposals.

We can go through and list the things we need from the MS and then the standards, such as “Always acting with highest level of integrity and will represent the Yearn brand as strongly as if it were there is” etc.

We can have a chat about those things in discord and then perhaps come up with perhaps something we can even sign on chain.

What this also does is sets out the things one would need to look to achieve if they wanted this role in the future, we need a way to measure what is a good job and what good looks like to us.

We don’t need an election, the people that are selected are all of a high standard, but I think holding them accountable to something is necessary.



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