Can't Stake Tokens?

Yeah I honestly don’t have a good answer for this– my best guess would be that zapper updated something regarding how they calculate the value of yUSD– like maybe before they were just using the currently available swap rate on uniswap, and now they use a calculated value from the value of yCRV and amount of yCRV in the vault vs yUSD issued– but again, that’s just a guess.

However, the vault can’t lose money– like you definitely don’t have less yCRV for the amount of yUSD you had before– so I imagine it’s a calculation change on zapper’s part. Let me know if it goes down again, I’d be interested.

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Thanks. I will keep an eye on zapper to see if this happens again and post here if it does.

Hello, it seems to me that you have to have tokens like DAI in your metatask wallet to be able to perform operations. The same thing happened to me, I try to solve it. How I don’t speak English is very complicated. I use google translate

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