I was thinking about developing a strategy on top of an existing y strategy to increase my YFI position.
invest in some vault with high yields, e.g. yCRV and periodically harvest
Define some conditions that trigger accumulation
- ROI of xx % reached
- TA, Fibonaccis, MACD (once there is some historic data)
- instant Market buy
- Twitter sentiment (all your tweets r belongs to us)
- day of week
- office hours
Rinse & repeat
I think many people are doing this manually right now to increase their YFI positions and this cries for automation.
Does that make sense or do we have that already?
Would be cool if we had some kind of scripting language so devs could just play around with strategy building abstracting away those nitty gritty smart contract details. We could also build a webcli or UI that integrates nicely with existing YFI magic. That way we could grow a developer community in github style and attract many of them to join us and BUIDL even more cool stuff. By having a DeFi / YFI specific domain language we could even create less-code or no-code dev environments.
And they called it yfiScript