Currently, in the crypto space, stablecoins are used for transfers, margining, borrow/lending. They are used across DeFi and CeFi (exchanges and OTC). Anything USDT can do, yUSDT can do better. Why not trade FTX perps with yUSDT margin? Already FTX takes cUSDT as collateral. Why even have a BTC-USDT pair on Binance when you could have BTC-yUSDT? All that USDT OTC flow from China could be yUSDT. Lastly, why even borrow or lend DAI when you can borrow or lend yDAI (just think about that one). The implications are huge.
By rebranding $yCRV as $yUSD allows YEARN to create the de-facto interest earning stablecoin 2.0.
$yCRV is confusing especially given the popularity of the $CRV token.
Update the $yUSD name on YEARN, Etherscan, Coingecko, etc.
Spread the gospel online.
I think YEARN is already doing this (twitter), but wanted to bring it up in the forum as well.
To be clear your talking about the yycrv vault token, yes? Pretty sure its called yycrv. I think all vault tokens should be renamed to vdai or vcrv to make it easier to understand. Earn is using ydai already so the vaults should be called vdai.
Replying to myself here, it seems that there is discussion within UMA about prefixing a “u” to their tokens, which would mean their yUSD would become uYUSD.