Proposal: Rebrand $yCRV as $yUSD

Oh my…

What do you guys think about just branding it something like $yDOLLAR

(definitely not dollar)

That way it can become a de-facto stablecoin of its own.

And not even related to the USD.


This is a great idea

just change the capitalization of yearn?


maybe too confusing?



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So I think this question has two parts:

  1. What is the best name for the LP tokens that we get from the Y pool on Curve?

I think USD is certainly better than yCRV (to me, yCRV sounds like CRV that you deposit into yearn somehow). However, perhaps a better token name (or at least more descriptive) is something like $YPOOL, $YPool, or $YPL? I think this is a better description than just the $CRV or $USD, and allows us to move this forward with less uncertainty about what we are talking about. yCRV has the downfall of the CRV token existing, and USD is further confused by the existence of USDC, USDT, sUSD, and TUSD.

  1. How can we be more specific about where the underlying tokens are?

Abbreviating where the asset is going in the yearn ecosystem seems like a great idea as well. For this, I was thinking $yvault and $yins would be good, or something similar. Again, as this system builds out, I think it’s great that we establish these universal prefixes and base token names.

I’m new to the YFI/yearn system, but I’m glad to be here!


Suggestions from Twitter:


What are earn products called ydai? this will be confusing, no?

Not sure if this will be helpful, but it could be. The following is a link to a proposal within UMA about rebranding their assets with a u. (Recall that they currently have a yUSD). It is at least interesting to see how they are thinking about it.

Great idea. @urizenus they know we own the y haha

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I agree with this, but I’d suggest adding a “+” to the end, similar to how PieDAO does for USD++ and BTC++.

yUSD+ = yCRV + yVault Strategy

The plus symbol could signify both the increased returns and the increased risk for this type of tokenized asset.


Agree completely. yCRV is confusing af

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yyCRV is now yUSD. History is about to be made.

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I doesn’t really track USD value, so i suggest taking a different route.

Something else like yStable.

This would definitely simplify things.

yeah seems like this decision was made for us by Andre, as yyCRV is now yUSD

Closed since inactive. Feel free to reopen if this topic is still relevant.