Proposal How-To

Submit your ideas here for improving Yearn in any way. Whether it’s a new vault, updating fee structures, or tinkering with governance, all proposals are welcomed here.

When creating new post make sure you

  1. Stick to the auto-generated template.
  2. Write concise title with no number. The number will be added by mods once on-chain voting starts.
  3. Add understandable aka non-tech aka eli-5 summary.
  4. Add an abstract: what will be done if the YIP is implemented (keep it below 200 words).
  5. Write a longer motivation with links and references if necessary.
  6. Add specifications if necessary.
  7. Formulate clear for and against positions.
  8. Include a poll to measure sentiment (public, results on vote).
  9. Don’t rush with putting a proposal on chain, keep discussion going for at least 3 days.

Remember the order:

propose > discuss > codify > vote > conclude > execute