Vote with YFI only, YFI+weighed BPT or only BPT

Description: current vote is with BPT only, YFI weight is just 2% in fact, it’s not reasonable

For: vote with YFI and BPT tokens(as per YFI weight in BPT or other pools , ie: 2% in current 2/98 pool)

Against:keep the status quo (only BPT)

YFI is Gov token of Yearn ecosystem, however current vote is with only BPT whose 98% weight is stable coins.


  • vote with YFI and BPT tokens(as per YFI weight in bpt, ie: 2% in current 2/98 pool)
  • vote with only YFI tokens
  • keep the status quo (only BPT)

0 voters

Don’t know why Poll is not working

@888FX @milkyklim this is a duplicate, see both related poll discussion on BPT weighting on pooled YFI amounts,

Proposal: voting only with YFI tokens

and the latest YIP 10 for on-chain voting


I am closing this one cause as was mentioned there was pretty long discussion + there is on-going YIP voting (see @zirs3d comment for links).