YIP-79: Multisig Compensation and Rotation

Proposal to rotate multisig signers and provide compensation


Yearn’s main multisig, ychad.eth, is a 6 of 9 multisig which has key powers within the protocol including ownership over the treasury. For more information, including the current list of signers, please refer to the docs.

This proposal aims to:

  • outline a YFI compensation plan for signers
  • rotate 3 multisig signers


Currently, ychad.eth signers earn no compensation. If passed, this proposal will:

  • retroactively reward all current signers (including outgoing, excluding incoming) 1 YFI each to compensate for past efforts.
  • reward all on-going signers (including incoming, excluding outgoing) with 1 YFI.

In summary, all signers who are part of both the past and present state will receive a transfer of 2 YFI. Signers who were part of only past or future state will receive a transfer of 1 YFI.

Signer Rotation

A transaction to rotate the first two signers will be queued to execute immediately upon passage of this proposal. Due to prior commitments, the final seat will be rotated at the start of December of this year.

replace the following outgoing signers:

cp0x 0x74630370197b4c4795bFEeF6645ee14F8cf8997D
milkyklim 0x0Cec743b8CE4Ef8802cAc0e5df18a180ed8402A7
**banteg 0x7A1057E6e9093DA9C1D4C1D049609B6889fC4c67

with the following incoming signers:

cryptoharry (Inverse Finance) 0x962228a90eaC69238c7D1F216d80037e61eA9255
michwill (Curve Finance) 0xFe45baf0F18c207152A807c1b05926583CFE2e4b
**tapir (Yearn Finance) 0x700F1a984C962b447CcDb95c4c2D8074C65098a3

** To be executed in December


  • Yes - in favor
  • No - not in favor
0 voters

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