For an overview of everything going on in the Yearn Ecosystem, check out this week’s Yearn Finance Weekly Newsletter. Highlights this week include a recap of Yearn’s recent AMA, the launch of several v2 yVaults, and information regarding Keep3r Network’s relationship with Yearn.
For more detailed information on Yearn’s governance from the past week, check out @nomad’s Yearn Governance Roundup. This week saw proposals for rethinking Yearn’s capital allocation, increasing strategist rewards to help align incentives, and the announcement of the final voting period for Yearn’s yCover NFT artwork.
For more detailed information about Yearn’s yVaults, check out our newest State of the Vaults. This week we announced an updated naming standard for Yearn, deployed fixes to both the GUSD and TUSD yVaults, and also launched several v2 test yVaults, including yvCRV and two strategies utilizing Uniswap LP tokens on
And for daily updates, follow YFI Pulse.