Proposal X: Incentives for staking on yearn smart contracts via nexus mutual

Could we roll our own? Maybe this is something to do down the road, but we could give yearn users the option of paying x% into a yInsurance pool that is governed by the yearn community similarly to how nexus does it.

I don’t see anything in the documentation or T&Cs that specifically state this isn’t possible.

The trick is the trust aspect of things - eg, nobody would want me to be the KYC’d person because I’m just a rando. It’d probably have to be Andre himself or a member of the multisig, and the smart contract would probably require multisig support to ensure there’s a sufficient level of trust.

This. Good idea. Maybe when things slow down a little (hah!) we can pitch it to Andre.

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good idea. even YFI token incentives for staking other tokens as well

YFI + Nexus Mutual already in a marriage.

Time to have a child :child: