David, this is not a protocol proposal, you can’t enforce Andre to appear on your podcast on-chain. Please reach out to him directly. Moving this to General Chat.
Okay, I seem to be out of the loop. Andre says the token owns him, so he’ll do it. I’ve added a forum poll for now, but please don’t post it on chain since we got much more urgent stuff to address.
And I think it’s often useful to hear things from the horses mouth, so to speak. Ryan does an excellent job of translating DeFi in way that the normals can understand.
It only takes an hour of time. And, conversation and deliberation can also help gain perspective. Conversations can help view things from the macro, which can often be lost when dealing with the small details
Don’t you dare delete this thread, this is gold Jerry, gold!
I literally own a portion of Andre Cronje.
(Some limitations may apply. Andre not available in all areas. If you’d like to force Andre to do slave labor in a location near you, please send requests to gov.yearn.fi/ by staking YFI and participating in our community driven governance.)
I find myself agreeing with David. It takes an hour, and it placates the community. Doesn’t need to be THIS week if Andre is (understandably) swamped. I for one, would love to hear Andre in his own voice.
The percentage of people that will understand and appreciate what Yearn and Yfi is, is going to come from the Bankless crowd. The Bankless listeners are much more aligned and capable of following along than the listeners on Laura Shin.
Laura Shin won’t ask the right questions either.