Fee distribution deployed. First fee distribution (~EUR21,000.00) will occur 29/07/2021 00:00:00 UTC.
ibKRW deployed. Will become available for borrowing on Yearn after 12 hour timelock.
Pools pending new curve.fi factory pool;
ibEUR/USDt dodo pool for forex swaps in planning phase.
Next milestones;
- ibCNY/CNYt
- Gauge voting and veIBFF distribution
ibEUR/sEUR deployed
ibKRW/sKRW deployed
Distribution gauge deployed, currently only ibEUR/sEUR supported, ibEUR/sEUR gauge deployed
Users can use veIBFF to vote for their preferred gauges, this will increase the proportion of rewards received by that gauge.
A users veIBFF balance augments the IBFF they receive from providing liquidity to the gauge, up to a maximum of 250% increase.
User flow as follows (using ibEUR/sEUR pool as example)
ibEUR.approve(curve, _amount1)
sEUR.approve(curve, _amount2)
curve.add_liquidity([_amount1, _amount2], _min_lp_stake)* do not attempt this step if you don’t understand curve pools and single sided slippage, wait for the UI
curve.approve(gauge, _lp_stake)
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Deployments and addresses
curve.fi ibEUR/sEUR gauge address
curve.fi ibEUR/sEUR pool address
curve.fi ibKRW/sKRW gauge address
curve.fi ibKRW/sKRW pool address
Fixed Forex gauge voting address
Example vote for veIBFF holders; 50% ibKRW, 50% ibEUR
Emission distribution
Faucet rewards re-enabled, 1 IBFF
ibEUR/ETH distribution rewards re-enabled, 100 IBFF
Gauges rewards activated, 100 IBFF
Next milestones
- Forex Swaps (0 slippage forex trades - increases profit)
curve.fi stabilizers (increases protocol profit)
- Dodo wrapper & LP token incentives
Deployments and addresses
Emission distribution
Starting next cycle, all distribution (faucet excluding) will be moved to Gauge Proxy v2
Next milestones
- Forex Swaps (inter ib*assets)
- Synthetix 0 slippage swaps
curve.fi ibKRW stabilizer
- dodo lp gauge
Fee distribution
Week 3 fee distribution USD15,831
Fee claim for week 2 is available
IBFF week 2 distribution for veIBFF available
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UI and Phase 2 distribution
UI v 0.1.3-beta deployed
Minting and burning via yearn.fi/lend
- Manage liquidity
- Deposit into stable pools
- Stake tokens for rewards
- Increase length and amount of vest
- Vote for pool emission
- Claim unlocked IBFF and protocol fee distribution
Phase 2 distribution
Emission schedule will be doubled from 09-08-2021
Emission schedule will be moved to the new v2 proxy from 09-08-2021, after reward emission stops on v1, you can unstake via etherscan and deposit using the fixedforex.fi UI.
Emission distribution
Week 4 emission cycle active, all available via the fixedforex.fi
Fee distribution
Week 4 fee distribution EUR17,854
Fee claim for week 3 is available
IBFF week 3 distribution for veIBFF available
Next Milestones
- Forex Swaps
- Synthetix 0 slippage swaps (pending SIP-171)
- ibKRW stabilizer
- ibZAR, ibJPY, ibAUD, ibGBP, ibCHF
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