Proposal 8: Halving YFI weekly supply the same as bitcoin

I am AGAINST this proposal. 50% supply circulation in 2nd week is hype inflation

I am a holder, and I am willing to dilute half of my YFI to new comers for a more stronger community. This will let your YFI worth far more than twice of current price

This will lead to MTA fiasco

you can earn the according share of inflations if you continue mining, the same as week1 :slight_smile:

i think we are all agree to keep farming, but 50% in 2nd week feels too much for me, tho. Check the other proposals. Even the highest one have 50% in 2-5 years. This is like a kaboom tbh…

Beside check this inflation models in here :
Some good stuffs

Thanks, I will take a research on this model.

Sorry, but I’ll hold my vote since the inflation mode is really a BIG thing and worth more discussion, while simply adopting the weekly halving model may not fit.
As the project turns out to be successful, speculators and investors will carry tons of capitals to exploit the pool, which will dilute both the share and efforts taken by early adopters. Thus, a more considered inflation model should be drawn to fit the autonomous nature of Yearn ecosystem, balancing both liquidity and governance.


A CRV distribution with Curvefi will start in the coming weeks.
I think the main yCRV pool for Curvefi has sufficient incentives to provide liquidity.
YFI holders can receive stake rewards at Year Finance Pool 4.

So I don’t think that an excessive YFI additional distribution is needed.

Nice idea in general. Altho I think I’d like a smoother curve and slightly lower starting point. Isn’t Darryl Lau working on an improved proposal atm?

If I am not mistaken, you assumed that the soundness of the yearn ecosystem is tightly associated with the liquidity of YFI pools, and hence the price of YFI.

Yet, note that the yearn ecosystem had been steadily developed in Andre’s hands and healthily engaged by the community before YFI was even released.

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Proposal #8 is not gonna pass at this stage with only 9.95% of total votes, not enough to pass the quorum. Does that mean the end to inflation and incentives?

No, it only means we will poll inflation proposals until one of them passes.

You can get the total possible votes by looking up staked BPT of the governance contract.

So in the meantime inflation comes to a standstill yes? (until one of the inflation proposal passes)

====== PROPOSAL #8 ======

  • Halving YFI weekly supply the same as bitcoin -

FOR : Support the new issuance model
AGAINST : Do not support the new issuance model

Status : :hourglass: ON GOING

Proposed by : 0xe2ca7390e76c5A992749bB622087310d2e63ca29
Total for votes : 3227022.1880 (80.63%)
Total against votes : 774995.3643 (19.36%)
Quorum : 9.89% 𐄂
Start block : 10508388
End block : 10525668 (in 8 hours 11 minutes 21 seconds)


  • I like the idea of continuing distribution (fair for people who don’t even know about the platform yet).
  • I also like the idea that distribution lowers as times passes (gives visibility on what is the max cap).

However, the model used in the example virtually ends the distribution in October, which in the end is quite similar to the current model : Early opportunist power users who already have funds (ie: farmers) are getting most of the cake (that includes me) and in October the situation will be exactly as it is now (or at least not very different).

Hence, and as the majority (in terms of current votes) seems to agree with an “havling model”, why not replacing the halving threshold from weekly to montly or even yearly ?

One of the debate I see in this forum is short-term goals vs. long-term goals but I feel like the supposedly “long-termers” are looking weeks ahead but not well further.

Are we all short-term here ?

This proposal is very likely to fail. not enough quorum (min 33%). Other models are more popular and they have a lower issuance and longer horizon.

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Hello all – I am new here, and new to YFi – but I am staked and farming so learning fast (and earning YFi).

I missed some of the initial mining period, but I got in yesterday.

I am one of those people who were late to the party, and am really glad I had a chance to be here before the end. I would like to see others – who need more time to absorb the complexities of this (it took me some heavy reading time) – have the chance to mine YFi.

It is better for ALL of us to have MORE people enthusiastic. Any currency – dollars, Bitcoin – ONLY has the value ascribed to it by human belief and enthusiasm.

That all said: I think the halving mechanism of BTC is a great one, YFi would benefit. I am FOR the new issuance model.

Hi all… new here and to DeFi as well.

Trying to figure things out and was wondering - is there a set timeline for when mining starts again? Or does it just depend on how fast/slow the community works on it?
