Keeping Yearn Great - Funds, Incentives & Rewards

We need more novels. :slight_smile:

As an early user and participant, I myself went through many of the same change of opinions. Values change because Yearn’s value has changed. To those just joining the discussion, it’s important to see how all the YIPs and proposals interconnect and build upon each other.

I admit I was initially against minting, since it was an opinion I formed way back during the genesis month and first YIPs last year. But I realized I formed my opinion in a vacuum before our vaults launched and dev team was assembled.

The addition of BABY (as a deflationary balancing force) allows for an interesting new monetary policy which may allow us to launch a rocketfuel warchest now and repay it later, to be our own bank, treasury and yfederal reserve. (My thoughts were only half formed a few days ago: **[Proposal]** Net Zero Mint (3k YFI yBond) which I shared not as a final solution, but to document and share my own initial thought process as it changed from an anti-minter to a pro-mint with baby backend economy, as I tried to reconcile conflicting viewpoints)

Thank you everyone for some of the best discussions—I hope even more people will share their considered opinions and, more importantly, give them room to breathe and evolve. To me, “v2” is not just v2 vaults, but also v2 yecosystem integration, and hopefully v2 money policy and v2 gov community—the latter two may even outlast or v2 product as it funds v3+++v26

Edit: Also, spreadsheets. We all need more models to evaluate the economics together :muscle:t2::thinking: