I would vote Against.
The proposal is very tempting in governance terms, I would admit.
Yet, to not distribute any CRV to such LPs would render the YFI community as a group willing to trade its integrity for benefits.
LPs of yVault prior the veCRV distribution snapshot and the yVault strategy Andre deployed are equally essential for such veCRV to have been brought in, especially when,as @TheSouthSeaCompany had pointed out, yVault was advertised with claimable veCRV:
Hence, a better way would be to split 50% of the CRV to this YIP, as to recognise the importance of the yearn ecosystem and promote its growth, while making the other 50% time-limitedly claimable to LPs of yVault prior the snapshot according to both LP proportion and time weightings, as a gesture of fairness.