Proposal: the yETH-YFI-BULL strategy

Not a fan. I’m long both YFI and ETH but I’m never going to deposit my YFI into anything that has IL. Great way to loose Exposure to the best of YFI and ETH imo.

A core reason we got the yETH passed was the promise to help Maker bring the DAI peg into check. We succeeded for a time. But failed to correctly gauge market volatility risk.

I think the existing yETH strategy was sound, but would amend it to maintain a 400% ratio instead of 200%, this puts the ratio safely below the 0.786 Fibonacci level in any ETH retracement AND maintained below that fib as automated rebalances are made during corrections… as for the DAI peg; we’ve seen how popular the strat is. Enough ETH will flow in to generate enough DAI eventually. It doesn’t all have to happen in a day.

Lastly on the above. I know another issue with the yETH strat relates to Curve and the inherent risks it represents. I am thus more in favour of splitting the DAI generated to be allocated to multiple locations: Curve, Balancer, AAVE, Compound… even split 4 ways, I’m sure the aggregated yield would be great.

As far as YFI goes;

I would propose we ADD YFI to Maker as collateral and repeat the above yETH strat or continue with the delegated lending approach through AAVE.

Keep it simple.
No AMMs. No IL risk. No missing out on the best YFI and ETH have to offer.

By continue with delegated lending approach through AAVE I refer to development of that strategy. Currently YFI vault strat points to Cream which isn’t as favourable.


This sounds like the potential impermanent loss at the highest level.

If Ethererum blockchain has an unfortunate blackswam event resulting Eth price to crash, will this drag YFI along with it?

This simply isn’t a bull strategy. This strategy works only when the relative ratio of YFI / ETH remains constant, which we have no guarantee and little reason to believe will remain the case. Any deviation from the current ratio results in loss from this strategy.

I vote against.


I agree. If you’re really bullish ETH and YFI then the best strategy is just to HODL.

In fact I think we need to stop using the term “impermanent loss” since it just confuses users into thinking the loss is “impermanent” and all will be restored. The more accurate term should be “divergence loss”

Update 30 August 2020: this article originally used the term “impermanent loss” to describe the losses liquidity providers experience due to price divergence. The word “impermanent” was chosen because the loss due to price divergence may be reversed if the price divergence is also reversed. However, the use of this term could create the expectation that losses are guaranteed to be reversed, which is not the case. To better reflect this, the article has now been updated to use the term “divergence loss” instead.


I agree with @ETH_Maximalist point. Balancer does seem to be a bit better for this strategy because you would get BAL rewards + you can play with the fee to reduce IL and/or increase fees collected.

@alizk - What’s the rationale behind using Uniswap for this? I recognize that there may be a good reason for this design choice.

Either way, personally not a huge fan of the strategy, but if there is demand for it and the returns are decent, it could definitely work.

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To hit the ground running and farm the upcoming Uniswap token. We could allocate to Balancer too of course and farm BAL. But if Uniswap token distribution is large initially, I recommend farming it exclusively first.

Other AMMs such as Dodo and Mooniswap are imo fundamentally flawed. They take money away from arbers, which reduces volume long term, and everyone loses. There are better strategies to protect against IL using Balancer, but do keep in mind that your pool will definitely not attract consistent and growing volume.

Thank you everyone for the great feedback, I will continue to R&D this and improve upon the design, I encourage everyone to also think about this or any other strategy that attracts non-levered ETH to the yEarn ecosystem.


Thanks. That makes sense. I think having some sort LP incentive/ token to compensate for the short gamma is key for this strategy since both YFI and ETH can be quite volatile and fees only are probably not enough compensation at the moment. If Uniswap has larger volume + a token, that’s probably the best bet.

I don’t think there is a need to optimize across more than one AMM. If this strategy is supposed to function as some sort of insurance for the yETH pool, simple is probably better.

Unrelated, but from a UI perspective (@uhmpeps), it may be a good idea to distinguish levered vs. unlevered strategies. These carry different risks and I am not sure all LP are aware of this.

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I don’t support this strategy as it doesn’t add any additional value that users can’t already get in the market. You can already deposit to a YFI/ETH Uniswap pool, don’t need a yVault to do so. You can also use Balancer directly to create any sort of pool you desire using YFI.

yVaults help users with subsidized gas costs, and other yield farming opportunities non-savvy users may not be aware of. Being a LP on Uniswap neither requires much gas nor is particularly complex.


Overall, great thinking here @alizk. Very much in favor of this strategy. Agree with prior comments - consider a mix of Balancer and Uniswap pools. Balancer may be better ATM given BAL rewards and ability to modify supply ratio (vs. 50-50 on UNI pool), depending on market conditions.


100% Against

Effectively if done with enough volume we would be pegging our price to eth and ensuring we always remain 1/40th of the Eth market cap.

Please consider this before voting yes, Eth has alreay found it organic MC YFI is early days and has much more upsode potential than eth.

Allowing this proposal through and you might as well sell all your YFI.

Current Eth MC upside potential vs YFI upside potential

DO NOT link YFI to any other crypto, vote NO



YFI has so much more upside potential than Eth, we would be insane to take any action preventing upside to YFI by balancing it to Eth.

Who wants YFI to remain 1/40th of Eths MC? Not me

Let YFI be its own beast, dont hold it back


OMG Impermanent Loss!

The strategy brushed off IL and assumed ETH/YFI hodlers are less sensitive to it. This is the major flaw, I agree.

For starters, the “maximize Uniswap deposit” principle as stated in the strategy is not the optimal thing to do. Yes if the YFIETH price is just ranging, IL is low and sweet profits from Uniswap/Balancer trading fees are adding up nicely. But with sharp directional moves, it’s the capital outside Uniswap that is now more valuable because the strategy uses it to effectively take back what arbers took from us. The vault has its opinion of what the AUM should be valued at, and when it buys/sells excess ETH (residing at yETH) or YFI (at Aave), it is simply just offsetting the IL … because how else would have there been an imbalance to begin with? h/t Tarun

We want the sweet fees on Uniswap, but we also need enough fire power outside Uniswap to strike back at arbers.

So I propose these amendments:

  • split funds 50:50 between Uniswap and yETH/Aave.

  • split the rebalancing actions over small tranches of maximum $10k in order to (1) reduce slippage and frontrunning, and (2) take advantage of massive run ups in either ETH/YFI. If the vault recognizes a re-balance is needed, it would execute a maximum of $10k per tx with imposed time delay till the next rebalance. This parameter can be tweaked depending on the depth of the YFIETH pool. Currently slippage at the Uniswap’s YFIETH pool is 0.01% for a $10k worth of swap.

  • as before, the vault ignores +/-5% price changes to avoid unnecessary flip-flop rebalances during thin ranges.

Why not also deposit to Balancer and/or other AMMs

Totally possible and easy to implement. However, keep in mind that asymmetrical pools (say, 80:20 ETH:YFI pool) will definitely not attract as much volume. This is also true for Dodo and Mooniswap, who put explicit mechanisms in place to shield LPs from IL. When you take money away from arbers, they stop pointing their bots at your AMM, volume is stunted, and everybody loses.

Why not just buy an insurance policy for yETH (e.g. opyn) or buy options @ramaruro @@alexander

That costs a significant premium, while with yETH-YFI-BULL providing insurance for yETH, there is only the opportunity cost for the duration that rescue ETH remains in Maker during black swan events (which shouldn’t be too long barring a complete meltdown of Maker protocol and/or governance). Meanwhile, that safety ETH/YFI is being productive (unlike premiums which are lost capital).

Uniswap already balances

Uniswap doesn’t re-balance the IL-induced imbalance. The vault has an opinion about how much the AUM should be worth had there been no Uniswap.

Less YFI for Governance

This is an important issue but it deserves its own proposal for the community to decide whether YFI in vaults can vote or not (personally Im in favor of allowing, but it’s weakly-held).

What’s the price Oracle @thegismar

We have the Maker oracle (OSM), DEXes, and the Open Oracle initiative by Compound which is now live on-chain and aggregates/medianizes from CEXes as well (so does Maker)

People already can LP on Uniswap themselves, why do we need a strategy for that?

The gas costs of re-balancing would destroy their capital. Unless of course they’re advanced professional traders who are offsetting IL through elaborate financial wizardry on CeFi.


Being 50-50 with infinitesimal rebalancing means I will never get exposure to the full exponential growth if one asset leaves the other behind.

You could withdraw your funds and ride the trend, but there is no guarantee you would sell the top or close to it. The strategy does this incrementally through the re-balancing.

When considering the viability of a strategy, one should ask “is this useful for sufficiently large enough people to warrant implementing it?”. A strategy could meet that threshold and not be attractive for you personally.

@mattdw @iTo @Tiarizzi93

why not create a subsection of the yETH vault, say 10-20% of it, that is held in ETH:DAI Uniswap

I think the existing yETH strategy was sound, but would amend it to maintain a 400% ratio instead of 200%

Can’t we just take a cut from the deposited ETH in the yETH and keep it as reserve in case of a blackswan event where DAI repay does not work?

That would reduce risk indeed but it also reduces capital efficiency significantly. With yETH-YFI-BULL, the yETH vault can enjoy the capital efficiency of 200% c-ratio but at a reduced risk of liquidation. If the AUM of yETH-YFI-BULL is >= yETH’s Dai debt, that risk is actually eliminated entirely (barring and meltdown of the Maker protocol itself).


why not just create a pool internal to yEarn (only accessible to the token holders) where token holders provide YFI and ETH is provided by yETH vault which was over-subscribed and just keep this as reserve for a blackswan event?

Again, capital inefficient, and you’d lose out on Uniswap fees.


Why does it have to be ETH ?

(1) ETH is massively liquid (2) the intersection of ETH and YFI bulls is large (3) there is no non-leveraged DeFi investment opportunities for ETH holders (low APY on lending for example) (4) We get the insurance of yETH as an invaluable side benefit


What if everything dumps (both YFI and ETH) causing a liquidity crunch on DAI. ?

That’s when y-ETH-YFI-BULL capital is moved to Maker to avoid liquidation.


I would propose we ADD YFI to Maker as collateral and repeat the above yETH

That would make the strategy more leveraged since Dai would be drawn against it to make it productive capital. One of the goals of yETH-YFI-BULL strategy is be leverage-minimized. But sure we can do that if Maker agrees to add YFI, my opinion here is weakly-held.

Keep in mind that the question you ask is “is this useful for a large set of people?” not “is this a strategy I would use?” because obviously highly skilled traders can outperform, but not all people are skilled traders or can afford to hire one.


There’s no free lunch here. Using 50% of the capital to rebalance simply means following the market after a 5% move, effectively back-running. It is betting that market moves < 5% will revert, and market moves > 5% will be momentum.

The simple fact is that AMMs are fundamentally a long-term bad business to be in. Market makers are constantly in an arm’s race to one-up each other. Being a Uniswap LP is making a very conscious bet that we’ll make more from noise traders than losing to toxic flow.

Keep in mind that the question you ask is “is this useful for a large set of people?” not “is this a strategy I would use?” because obviously highly skilled traders can outperform, but not all people are skilled traders or can afford to hire one.

So far, YFI products (earn and vaults) have had very little market risk. Getting into AMM is a big departure from the current strategy.

Will unsophisticated traders understand the difference between a 50% yETH vault + 50% YFI vault vs a yETH-YFI vault?


Are you suggesting that this vault would act as an arbitrageur? Would it include an arb bot to resolve these imbalances, or how would the vault have it’s “opinion?” Otherwise, the arbers will resolve the IL-induced imbalance well before this vault could.

I still think it’s a poor decision to create a new vault to cover the ass of a different one. If one vault bears all the risk so that another vault can reap rewards, why would anyone choose to put their ETH into the risky vault for weaker performance? I understand that these mechanisms would reduce the capital efficiency of the yETH vault significantly, but that’s the core of portfolio risk management. Higher risk leads to higher rewards, lower risk to lower rewards. By making 10% of the vault act as insurance against the remainder of the vault, you would be taking 60% APY down to 54%+ APY (since the second strat would still have an RoI). Compare that to the yETH-YFI-BULL vault which would have (at current rates) have a 30% RoI from swap fees and all the risk of the yETH vault. Unless the deal is made sweeter somehow, I don’t think a new depositor would have any trouble figuring out where to move their money.

The only way I can imagine that this would be mitigated would be if we took a portion of the yETH vault that would be liquidated in the event of a black swan and gave that to the y-ETH-YFI-BULL market makers. This would create a greater incentive for the depositors into this vault.

Edited for grammar.

Second edit:

What if instead of an ETH:DAI pool in the yETH vault, this exact strategy as you wrote it is instead just rolled into that yETH vault?
Step 1: As much money as we can safely put goes into the current yETH strategy, with its higher risk and higher rewards.
Step 2: The remainder gets put into this strategy to both harvest yield and act as insurance against the former?
To me, it seems that this would create a solution that is greater than the sum of it’s parts, and would further boost the yETH vault into becoming an ETH black hole.

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I very much appreciate the level of detail and though here. But a strategy that has IL risk at its core is not viable in my mind. Perhaps I’m missing something.

My comment on YFI added as collateral in maker aught to be a separate strategy.

I don’t see the point in wrapping more than one asset type into a strategy but I do see every point of building out multiple strategies that compliment each other and work together for further, external goals. Ie. Maintaining the DAI peg.

If 400% collateral impacts negatively re. Yield then focus should be on mechanisms that move ratio between 200-400%, ideally market driven. Eg. When price is above 20DMA then maintain 200-250 ratio. When below 20DMA then maintain 350-400 ratio. But let’s keep the mechanism simple.

As for AMMs. If this is built into the strategy then let’s push profits into this space rather than principle capital. Let’s message this correctly in our UI and use our interfaces to communicate the value risk/reward with longer times in vault.

What about down stream pooling?

Adding strategies that you can not access without first contributing to one up stream.
Maybe with time locks? Ie. Can not deposit until you’ve held in previous pool for 30 days. (?)

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Thanks for doing this @alizk

I’ve been giving some thought to this strategy and my main concern is how it’s going to prevent front-running before re-balancing?

Splitting into 10k txs seems to make use of more gas without really addressing the front-running issue (if the front-run is still profitable even if the profits are “smaller” there are still incentives to do it by external actors). If this is not the case then I’m very open to learning how it would prevent it.

I appreciate the work you are putting forward.

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This summarizes my views exactly and is the reason I have never personally supplied liquidity on Uniswap. I agree with this comment wholeheartedly especially with respect to adding YFI as collateral in Maker and continuing down that path of offering similar yETH-type vaults for high quality assets.

because there’s an order of magnitude less volume on Balancer. Their free token doesn’t come close to compensating for the drastically reduced trading fee income due to poor volume.

I’m gonna reply to my previous comment here, because with the UNI launch, my former suggestion becomes more interesting in my opinion. @alizk

I can replace it with a prettier graphic later :slight_smile:


Is it fair to ask that you clarify your For/Against with meaningful rationale?