Proposal: Enable aYFI and yYFI to Participate in Governance Voting

Read through a bit of the code. Am I correct in saying the snapshot takes the current available liquidity of the a pool (e.g. Aave) and divide it amongst the pool token holders?

For example:

  1. 100 addresses provide 1YFI each of liquidity to Aave, each of them gets 1 aYFI
  2. Borrower A borrows 1 YFI from Aave
  3. Snapshot taken
  4. Shapshot distributes the aYFI holders 1aYFI=0.99YFI of voting power
  5. Shapshot distributes 1YFI of voting power to Borrower A
  6. Total YFI voting power remains 100YFI

This would take care of the double-voting if my understandings are correct. Just need to make sure loan providers understand they’re not voting with all the YFI they deposited, only the portion that’s not being actively loaned out.

Edit to add image of code in question: