POLL: How much additional YFI & for how long?

With all due respect, YFI is not Bitcoin. The demands of the platform are different. I think that both emission models proposed are responsible and equitable.

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YFI is a governance token. BTC is peer to peer electronic cash.

@jason_parser @hc.link yfi is not btc but the comment was regarding adoption & was perfectly valid comparision, you’re not gonna get any new users if existing users hold 99% of the emission -simple.

i dont see how this is hard to understand, unless you’re fans of coins like XRP too?

@Garry I think you fundamentally misunderstand the point of yearn.finance if you think it’s all about farming YFI - see YFI_whale’s first post here: Yfi_whale Proposals List. We don’t need to onboard new users by enticing them with a shiny token, we can onboard them because of how good yAssets are.

where did i mention the emission is for onboarding new users? which self-respecting new future user is gonna join the YFI gov (buy YFI) if its 99% frontloaded/premined.

YFI had a great fair launch, short term greed seems to be precidence here with people advocating they keep the supply as small as possible without realizing what that means for future outsiders.

So you can keep your 30k YFI between the 100 users currently registered on this forum, lets see where that takes you :slight_smile: but adoption would be much easier if distribution was kept fair.

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We don’t need users to join YFI governance. Adoption is not getting a bunch of people to buy or farm YFI! I think that is where I disagree with you.

Adoption is getting users to use the yearn.finance platform to deposit assets and receive yAssets which earn more APY than aAssets or mAssets.

you strongly need to consider if you have this “Scrooge McDuck” YFI gov token with premined emission and no incentive to use the platform then new users will just use a yearn alternative with the same capability but a more fairly distributed gov with active incentive.

yearn is just an open source smart contract after all, why would anyone join your platform if there’s a non-99% frontloaded clone-alternative?


@iamaces for future polls make sure to include: “None” or “Don’t like any” option, otherwise, you won’t see full picture.

YFI is an experimental token. I don’t think it is greedy to lower the issuance rate. The expressed purpose of the YFI token is solely to benefit from and maintain the platform. If theres no benefit, those who put a lot of time in now building this will feel slighted by the coporations that will want YFI later and buy it 6 months later.

There is no mandate to print! Why print? Do we worry the platform with 10% apy wont be used? It will be. The platform should feed the token YFI, not the other way around. If and ONLY if the YFI token value for holders is expected to go up should we print, such as we expect 50m new customers based on 1k token print, so it is feasible. Did anyone run numbers? What do we expect for new customer per token print. I think those who want the print here are responsible to provide more information not just arbitrary numbers and claim those who want their investment to have an opportunity costs are scrouges


I wish we had a clap :clap: function like on medium. So I could do a standing ovation for some of you!

Imagine I am new to YFI, I put my YCRV into a pool and now It says that I cannot earn any YFI. We are squandering our initial hype. What is the time line here?

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42 is also the long lost meaning of the universe. Few understand this.


@Joey Inflation … just say NO

I propose adding a above 12k to the poll.


Yah this is stupid the whole poll is limited in scope what if someone wants to double the amount 60k total or triple 90k. Poll seems biased from the start.


Sure but then there should also be a 0 inflation option which (until yfi_whale voted against) had more than half the votes at the on-chain proposal vote.

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Ok do it. Why are we limiting options based on how we think people will vote?

I feel like all these proposals for additional supply are too low, may deter future yield farmers and will not help with decentralization.


exactly, only been like a week and already YFII/alternatives are booming

imagine 3 months+

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