Include YFII in yearn

What? How is this even part of the conversation?

YFII forked after not reaching quorum with a half-baked inflation proposal.

Bring them back into the governance process and dilute YFI share on its own governance?



This conversion is getting too hot ā€“ remember to be polite and provide constructive arguments.

Iā€™ll flag comments from now on.


STFU, you losers lost vote. and should stay away from YFI.


I think YFII people are coming in here and generating noise. Lock this thread.

Distributing a few pennies of yield is okay, but they do not get governance. Hard no.

I want to put YFII away and move on to more pressing matters.


yah, I agree its a bad idea but maybe other incentives or something can be worked out with the Chinese community, but if anything it would have to come from the multisig fund.

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The multisig should not be incentivising YFII. If their shitcoin generates yield for us, they can get a percentage because we are making money off of them.

They do NOT get governance, and they do NOT get YFI incentives.

YFII isnā€™t a ā€œvibrantā€ community. YFII is spending time trying to subvert our governance process by spam polling our threads. It is a coup attempt.


This is the incentive.


If YFII+ short history has taught us anything, is that the so-called sister projects are highly inflationary.
On the other hand, this is clearly not the consensus on the YFI forum here (as seen by the intense discussion on whether inflation should be 12k or 30k etc. over several years ā€“ so the entire discussion was revolving around minimal inflation compared to YFII+ going brrrr, to quote a trite meme).

I think we should be well aware that, if YFII is allowed governance rights, they will use those to push high inflation. With that on the table, everyone can take informed decision on what to vote about this YIP, but I encourage the YFII community not to hide themselves behind the veneer of cooperation and sisterhood and to just plainly state their goals.



YIP8 didnā€™t pass, so there emerged a fake YFI called YFII which enables YIP8
And we are now considering to merge these two?

Wow thatā€™s so awesome, seems the vote itself is a joke.
Just like votes in China :slight_smile:


Discussion on this forum is good and necessary, but do not forget that the forum is open and might not be repressive of the real governance of Yfi.


No. ā€œWeā€ do not support YFII, and we will not merge YFII into YFI. Anybody can register an account and post here. This is an open forum.

What happens on chain is a different story and our massive voting blocks will destroy any notion of including ā€œforksā€ in governance.

As pointed out, they are not ā€œforksā€. They are plagiarism without innovation. Incentivising them with fees is fine if we are making money off of them. Fortunately, the more forks that are made, the more dilutive they are to the YFII meme, while simultaneously strengthening us.

YFI is must make its way and prove itself in the most hostile environments. It was the same for chainlink. The forks are only a test.


If forks can participate in YFIā€™s governance, I will go ahead and make 10 forks and dilute the voting power of YFI holders all day long.

Iā€™m in the YFII Wechat group and they are telling people to vote ā€œforā€. This is why there are so many people voting ā€œforā€ here.

No brainer, against.


Can we make a YIP, which will active user who ever hold YFI, can make a vote or a thread in this forum. So we can avoid trash, and attack from other communities ?

Totally agreed. :smiley:

the proposal is not a merger. YFI hodlers would profit off YFII in the proposal floated by andreā€¦ smh

Let them post and spam. YFII will be done as soon as their initial rewards pool runs dry. The price of the token is collapsing. People are just farming it and dumping it for YFI and DAI. There is no real product behind YFII, and no development community. It is an interesting experiment, but forks of forks of forks just dilutes the forks. YFII has defined a new form of degenerate gambling - ā€œshitpool farmingā€. The best thing about it is that we profit off of every fork.

Nobody with any voting power supports YFI governance dilution. It will not even go on chain.


You claim YFII to be plagarism, and then also claim it to be a shitcoin that will lose all value once the rewards pool runs dry. Donā€™t you hear the contradiction?

Voted yes.

This is a welcome addition to YFI. For those of you who say this will create many more forks:

YFII is specifically catered to a different market and not accepting this proposal will cut off the YFI ecosystem from an easy expansion. Everyone wins.

No other forks will be able to recreate this, so the criticism that this will cause a flood of new forks is moot and an irrelevant concern.

There is room for both YFI and YFII, both will work together to create this ecosystem. I see this as a no-brainer.


Agree. This is the way China forced other countries to bow on them. Made fakes and bought up the real products. Cause they paid us a little liquidity ? and force YFI to be a secondary product on yearn ?

At the moment YFII is mostly a tool for FYI to increase yield and for gamblers/farmers hoping to sell at a higher price. I donā€™t see what the benefit for YFII holders is at this point? YFII should focus on getting their affairs in order. The Asian demographic is an interesting asset, but in its current state itā€™s just hot air.